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CIRAM at Heritage Middle East 2024: unlocking the secrets of art and history through scientific analysis
Thursday 24 October 2024
Discover how CIRAM’s cutting-edge scientific techniques in archaeological dating and art authentication are shaping the future of cultural heritage conservation. Join us at Heritage Middle East 2024, where our experts will reveal the secrets behind dating, analysis and authenticating priceless historical pieces. Secure your chance to meet CIRAM’s specialists and learn how their innovative methods can enhance your projects.

CIRAM at the 30th EAA Annual Meeting in Rome: Meet the Leaders in Archaeometry and Dating Expertise
Monday 29 July 2024
Join CIRAM at the 30th EAA Annual Meeting in Rome, August 28-31, 2024. Discover our pioneering expertise in archaeometry and dating. Visit Booth 31 for tailored solutions and expert advice!

Radiocarbon analysis of cosmetics
Wednesday 10 January 2024
Test the naturalness of your active ingredients, excipients and finished products using radiocarbon analysis with CIRAM laboratories. Carbon 14 and stable isotopes can be used to detect adulteration, authenticate a biobased product or determine botanical provenance or origin.

CIRAM analyzes your art objects for the Parcours des Mondes
Tuesday 12 September 2023
Date your objects before the Parcours des Mondes!

CIRAM insulates its building with bio-sourced materials from Relais Métisse
Wednesday 6 September 2023
Opt for bio-sourced insulating materials, such as those from Relais Métisse.

CIRAM exhibits and sponsors EAA in Belfast
Monday 28 August 2023
CIRAM is exhibitor and sponsor of the EAA (European Association of Archaeologists), Belfast between August 28 and September 2!

Analysis of organic residues for archaeology
Wednesday 23 August 2023
Analyzing organic residues for archaeology makes it possible to identify oils, fermented beverages, resins, fats, perfumes used in remote times and understand the habits and customs of ancient peoples.

Radiocarbon analysis of biogas and smoke
Thursday 10 August 2023
Radiocarbon analysis of biogas and smoke by CIRAM. Biogas offers new prospects for biofuels. In addition, the analysis of chimney smoke is one of the criteria for establishing the carbon footprint of industrial companies. Radiocarbon or carbon 14 will quantify the biogenic and fossil parts of these gaseous materials.

CIRAM will be open throughout August
Monday 24 July 2023
Laboratories CIRAM - C14 Analysis and Isotopes - remain open in August!

Authentication of glass objects
Friday 21 July 2023
Discover the authentication of glass objects based on their chemical composition, analysis of alterations and deposits. Discover the analytical protocol implemented by CIRAM laboratories in the physico-chemical analysis of glass objects.

TL/OSL dating, a method used in archaeology by CIRAM laboratories
Wednesday 5 July 2023
Luminescence dating by TL and OSL is, along with carbon-14 dating, one of the specialties of CIRAM laboratories.

Winner of the draw and differences between mass balance calculation and objective quantification by carbon 14
Monday 26 June 2023
And the winner for a free C14 analysis is....

Poster presentation at the 37th Rencontres de L’AFAV
Monday 19 June 2023
The 37th Rencontres de l'Association Française pour l'Archéologie du Verre (AFAV) will be held from June 23 to 25, 2023, in Douai.

Carbon-14 dating of paintings
Thursday 15 June 2023
Authenticating a painting with carbon-14: this is the method for dating the support (canvas, wood, paper, cardboard...)

CIRAM at the Plant Based Summit
Tuesday 13 June 2023
Come and meet CIRAM on its stand and try to win a carbon 14 analysis!

CIRAM laboratories in video
Tuesday 6 June 2023
Find out more about the CIRAM laboratories for Archaeology, Biosourced Industry and the Art Market in this video.

Adulteration, geographical origin and provenance: what are stable isotopes used for?
Thursday 1 June 2023
Discover CIRAM's analytical methods and protocols used to respond to these industrial issues with EA-IRMS from Elementar France.

Anthracology in archaeology to identify wood species
Tuesday 23 May 2023
Anthracology in archaeology is the discipline that identifies charcoal in order to reconstruct the botanical environment of a period, while also providing invaluable assistance in carbon-14 dating.

Authenticating bronze objects: an in-depth multi-criteria analysis
Friday 19 May 2023
It's impossible to talk about metal in general, as there are many differences between a bronze (copper-tin alloy), brass (copper-zinc alloy), cast iron, silver or gold.

ISO 16620-2, for dedicated radiocarbon analysis of plastics
Wednesday 10 May 2023
Thanks to the industrial issues surrounding bio-based products, carbon-14 dating is no longer limited to the dating of archaeological artefacts. It is now used to quantify the bio-based carbon content of all types of industrial materials containing carbon.

Scientific analysis on boards
Wednesday 3 May 2023
Exploring the invisible in a painting using scientific imaging. The scientific analysis of paintings is essential for dating the support, observing a hidden signature, a repentir or a preparatory drawing, and identifying the pigments. Discover the different imaging methods used by CIRAM laboratories to reveal the invisible in your paintings.

Carbon 14 – the post-bomb effect
Friday 28 April 2023
Why is 1954 a carbon-14 frontier? Atomic bombs and atmospheric nuclear testing have artificially increased the amount of carbon-14 in the air. CIRAM laboratories explain the significance of this change.

Authentication of stone sculptures
Thursday 20 April 2023
To authenticate stone objects, CIRAM laboratories observe the passage of time and the alteration of materials. Our scientists achieve a thorough study through an effective analytical strategy.

Augmented carbon 14 dating dedicated to Tribal Art
Wednesday 12 April 2023
Born from CIRAM innovation, augmented carbon 14 dating dates your Tribal Art objects, no longer to within 250 or 300 years, but with an accuracy of only a few decades.

Dating of burnt bones
Thursday 6 April 2023
In this article, CIRAM scientists explain the protocol used for Carbon-14 dating of bioapatite.

Inter-laboratory comparison
Monday 27 March 2023
CIRAM Laboratories is participating in an inter-laboratory performance evaluation.

Thermoluminescence test (TL test) on terracotta – CIRAM
Wednesday 22 March 2023
The thermoluminescence test (TL test) is, along with carbon-14 dating, one of CIRAM's specialties. This technique makes it possible to date the last heating of an object, but more precisely to detect authentic objects from modern fakes or copies.

Diet of ancient populations
Wednesday 15 March 2023
Methods to understand the diet of our ancestors have been diversifying for more than a decade in archaeology, but also in anthropology thanks to new physicochemical techniques.

The EN 16640 standard and radiocarbon analysis of biobased products
Thursday 9 March 2023
The French and European standard NF EN 16640 explains the method to be used to measure the biobased carbon content of materials.

Carbon-14 dating for peat and other organic sediments
Wednesday 1 March 2023
Discover the use of carbon-14 for archaeological analysis of peat thanks to CIRAM laboratories.

Radiocarbon analysis of solid recovered fuels
Thursday 23 February 2023
Specialists in carbon-14 (or radiocarbon) analysis, CIRAM laboratories comply with all applicable standards to deliver results in compliance with regulations. Discover without delay the different methods of analysis of solid recovered fuels as well as the international and European regulations in force. What is a solid recovered fuel (SRF) Solid recovered fuels (CSR in French […]

Carbon 14 dedicated to biopolymer analysis
Thursday 16 February 2023
Since 2005, CIRAM laboratories have been analysing, dating and authenticating works of art and archaeological artefacts. Specialists in carbon-14 dating, we also use this method to quantify the fraction of biogenic and fossil carbon present in industrial products. Both private, independent and innovative, CIRAM laboratories are located near Bordeaux, on the Montesquieu technology park in […]

Saturday 11 February 2023
Analytical method, sampling conditions, and benefits of strontium analysis, CIRAM Laboratories follows all protocols for an accurate and thorough study.

CIRAM carries out sampling at Notre Dame de Paris
Thursday 9 February 2023
A great honor for our teams there.

CIRAM research tax credit (CIR) approval until 2025
Tuesday 7 February 2023
CIRAM's approval as an organization performing research eligible for the research tax credit (RTC) renewed through 2025.

Installation of a generator
Monday 6 February 2023
CIRAM now ensures continuity of its analytical services with the installation of a generator.

ASTM D6866 and radiocarbon analysis
Thursday 2 February 2023
CIRAM Laboratories explain in detail the ASTM D6866 standard to be followed to measure the biobased carbon content of your ingredients or your suppliers' products.

Reservoir effect or C14 dating of marine organisms
Friday 27 January 2023
If the C14 dating of living beings is the most known analysis, it remains more complex for marine organisms.

Carbon 14 dating of wood carvings
Wednesday 18 January 2023
Discover the techniques used by CIRAM laboratories to date wood carvings, including dating methods, calibration of results and interpretation.

How to date the bones by Carbon 14?
Wednesday 11 January 2023
Bones are, along with charcoal and ceramics, the most common materials uncovered in archaeological excavations. They are ideally suited for radiocarbon dating by mass spectrometry (AMS).

Tuesday 20 September 2022
CIRAM is granted CIR approval through 2022 and has applied for renewal for 2023-2025.

CIRAM maintains its activity and remains mobilized
Thursday 2 April 2020
Our scientific, commercial and administrative teams continue to support you in all your day-to-day issues.

Saturday 21 December 2019
Our R&D programme is progressing and allows us to envisage a new technological coupling process combining OSL dating and Carbon 14 dating.

Wednesday 23 October 2019
CIRAM helps solve an international puzzle in Singapore.

Monday 12 March 2018
An R&D programme launched by CIRAM.

Wednesday 3 January 2018
The calibration phase is successful.

Monday 11 September 2017
Learn about the new carbon-14 rates at CIRAM laboratories.

Monday 4 September 2017
Find our experts at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne